"Enchantment" Copyright © Powers Photography
Back when Shannon and I were dating, I asked her if she would like to get a "nice" picture of us together as a couple. I was also in the process of moving my piano from college back down to Orlando. I told her that I would take care of everything, and all she needed to do was show up at the park with a nice dress on.
When Shannon arrived, I met her in the parking lot, (she looked radiant) and asked her to come with me along the path. Deep in the middle of the park, she discovered my piano, accompanied by the master photographers that I had set the appointment with.
She thought that it was charming that I had gone to such lengths for just a simple picture. Susan, one of the photographers, sat Shannon down on the piano bench and began to adjust her hair. When she finished, Shannon turned to ask me if I was ready, only to find me bent, on one knee.
Needless to say, everything turned out perfect that day.
Shannon came to find out that Stewart, the other photographer, under the guise of "getting his camera ready", had documented the entire event in real time. One of Shannon's favorite albums, is her very own Engagement Album from that day.
This piece "Enchantment", was written as a present for Shannon later on during our engagement. It's much older than any of the other pieces you've heard on this blog, and it is composed differently. I wanted to capture my feelings for her in this piece, and so the music was actually written out the 'normal' way, in advance and practiced; long before I had discovered my improvisational method. I still have the hand written notation in my piano bench.
Sorry, it's been a while since I've posted, we've been busy having another beautiful little boy.
Everyday, especially lately, I am so in awe of my wife, and thought that it would be nice to share this music that I wrote for her.
Enchantment.Mp3 (c) 1997 William Cushman (3:53 / 3.6Mb / Low bandwidth version Here.
To directly download to your computer click this icon:
Here are some links to projects that people have made using this composition.. check them out!
- LemckeHighlights.wmv - by Philip Hinkle of http://www.frogmanproductions.com/
- "Enchanted" - by Benny Wibowo of Neus Motion.
If you have a project you'd like me to link.. just email me.
Want to use this piece in your project or website - royalty & commercial free at no cost?
Just ask.
Send me a quick email: Email
Very nice. Keep up the good work.
Aww, man, that so puts my "engagement story" to shame. Of course, my wife proposed to me, so maybe that counts as something. Maybe?
I mean, she totally came up to me while I was playing Panzer General and asked when we'd get married. Out of the blue, like. And I was all, like, whenever you want.
But you, oh, you had to go and be all romantic and innovative.
Congrats on the new baby. I envy you, and I don't. If you know what I mean...
What a picture perfect engagement. Beautiful story and beautiful music too. :)
Hey, I think everything you've said is so wonderful.. a beautiful story.. i am a romantic in everything I think and feel and your story has inspired me to write some music of my own. I play the piano also and I think all of your songs are amazing. Above all, though, Enchantment is so wonderful and romantic. I have downloaded it to put on my mp3 player. I would love more than anything to be able to play it for my friends and family. Would you put the sheet music up on the internet for downloading? It would mean so much.
Keep up everything.. I'm lost for words.
I will visit your site more often now that I discovered it.
I think everything you have said is so wonderful and romantic. Your story, your music and your spirit: they are so deep. I am a romantic in everything I feel and think. I love all of your music. By chance I just stumbled upon this site and now I can't get enough of the sound you make with your piano. Above all, Enchantment, is my favorite; not only because it is beauitful, but because it has such a romantic meaning. I have downloaded it to my mp3 player. I play the piano too and would love not only to be able to hear it more often, but to be able to play it to my friends and family and extend the music and the amazing sound to touch the hearts of others. Would you post the sheet music on the internet? It would mean so much.
It's so... I am lost for words.
Good luck,
and thank you for creating such beauty and life.
I just wanted to let you know that I find your music so inspiring and it's just beautiful. I am a pianist myself, and you inspire me, you do. Thank you for sharing your music, God has certainly blessed you with talent
Okay, now I'm crying! And that was before I even clicked on play! What an awesome proposal! And I am beyond impressed that you went into such detail for all of it. You are a mother-in-laws dream for her daughter...at least I know you are for this mother of all girls.
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