Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Before the Wall

"Calinerie" by William Bouguereau (1825-1905) click picture for link

There is a purity in a child's mind that allows a parent or a loved one to let down their guard and be themselves.

I see myself treating my children with this same abandon, without worry of judgement.

And there was a time... long ago, that I vaguely remember how my father used to be around me.

But things change, and people begin to put up walls. Sometimes it's a parent, getting uncomfortable with their own child's loss of innocence. Some parents have no problem showing/allowing affection as long as their child doesn't get embarrassed. But as soon as the child becomes aware that others are watching, Boom! .. up goes a wall. Sometimes forever. It is invisible, but tangible.. like a father and son afraid to say, "I love you." Or a mother and daughter that became strangers during her high-school rebellion years, and have never found a way to re-connect.

This music is how I feel when I find myself adrift in the peaceful solace of an innocent hug, or the comfortable unjudging conversation with my kids.

Cherishing these moments before the walls start to grow.

Before the Wall.Mp3 (c) 2003 William Cushman (2:53 / 2.7Mb) - For a smaller preview click HERE.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Before the Wall

A gift shared is twice the gift.

Thank you so much for sharing your gifts of musical composition and performance. I expect to use this hauntingly beautiful music in a slideshow (gladly crediting you). I know that the sound will greatly enhance the visual presentation.

Your kindness and openness are wonderful examples to all of us who have creative gifts that we can share.

Welcome to William Cushman's Ghostnotes