Monday, May 02, 2005


Ah.. chocolate. How can words describe it? In a moment of delight and euphoria over eating some left over chocolate, I sat down in my caffeine enhanced state and played this random composition.

At first listen... it didn't sound perfect. How strange.

So, using my computer, I tweaked an electronic instrument and re-recorded the piece using the original midi. I like them both.

I recently had an opportunity to use both pieces in a little video project. It is a nice contrast to use one piece for the intro and another for the credits.

Simple and sweet. Like it's name.

Chocolate (synth version).Mp3 (c) 2003 William Cushman (5:40 / 5.2Mb)
To directly download to your computer click this icon:
Chocolate (piano version).Mp3 (c) 2003 William Cushman (5:40 / 5.2Mb)
To directly download to your computer click this icon:
Want to use this piece in your project or website - royalty & commercial free at no cost?
Just ask.

Send me a quick email: Email



奇怪的云 said...

Hello pal....I have decided to use your "under my skin" for my video...there will be minor changes to the music becos my video is slightly longer than 4 minutes and 36 seconds.....probably a pause in between to add in the background sound of the footage....or...a repeated bar to extend the that alright?

奇怪的云 said...

ANSWER: DVD...PAL...I can compressed and make it into real time .and email you...if you want.

奇怪的云 said...

Hello...I am at the post production stage where i add in all the text and how do you want it to be...? Your name with your website and title of music...?...or just your website?...which name do I use? Bill?...william?....

Ron Worthy said...

I'm glad you've found peace with your music!

Mr. Ron

Welcome to William Cushman's Ghostnotes