Sunday, May 06, 2007

Are you sleeping?

"Mother and Child"© Brett Rogers

Brett was right when he painted this.. there is nothing more beautiful in the world than a mom and her baby sleeping together.

My wife was asleep on the bed with our baby.. and I couldn't help but just stare.

The composition below came into my mind... I sat down and recorded it instantly. Yes, it's definitely slow, and meditative, but, after all, it was the middle of the night.
But, my intent was to be gentle, soft. Like a baby's breathing... and also capture how special the moment was.. how perfect they looked together.

I kept thinking that this little baby in her arms, not too long ago was asleep inside of her. And here they are again... a perfect fit.

I finished the recording and wanted to know if I had woke her up with my playing..
so I asked.. are you sleeping?
Neither of them stirred. And kept dreaming.

Click to open music in a mini-window Are you Sleeping? Mp3 (c) 2017 William Cushman (3:36 / 5.0Mb)

To directly download to your computer click this icon:qrcode--------Royalty and Commercial free Want to use this piece in your project or website at no cost? Just ask. Send me a quick email: Email-Bill

1 comment:

Paul said...

Beautiful work on this one! I too know how you felt when you composed this in that I am a father as well... I'm no musician but this was beautiful. Thank you for this and God bless.

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